3 Habits To Adopt This Year To Be Healthier And Happier In 2022

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Positive intentions for the new year

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to take stock of your life. It’s a fresh start and a great opportunity to commit to aspects of your life that you’d like to improve, whether it’s learning a new skill, stressing less or just resolving to take better care of yourself.


But setting your intentions for the year ahead can quickly become complicated if you overcommit or allow motivation to wane. It’s important to keep your goals realistic and achievable, no matter how big they might be. Start small with a few simple choices that with consistency, will quickly turn into nourishing habits for life.

Choose Mindful Movement Over Obligation

Moving your body each day is one of the best things you can do for your health, which explains why so many of us make promises at the start of each year to do it more often. That’s right, according to research ‘exercise more’ is our number one most common New Years’ resolution, but studies in clinical psychology show that only 46 percent of people who make New Year’s resolutions are actually successful.


So how can we enjoy all the benefits that regular exercise can bring without burning out or losing motivation? Experts recommend choosing regular, mindful movement over exhaustive exercise sessions. Instead of viewing your workouts as obligatory forms of exercise, concentrate on incorporating more active opportunities into your day.


Some days you might have the energy for a heart-pumping sweat session, while others a peaceful walk to the supermarket will suffice. By committing to mindful movement every day, you’ll be able to redefine your outlook on exercise and see results – without subjecting yourself to guilt when you don’t feel up to the gym.

Focus On Incidental Healthy Eating Each Day

If the idea of completely overhauling your eating habits feels overwhelming, try changing your thinking towards what you put on your plate instead. Rather than worrying about the whether you’re eating the healthiest food overall, begin by making a conscious effort to make at least one nutritious choice per meal.


For example, this might mean adding an extra serve of greens to your morning smoothie with The Super Elixir, or opting for brown rice in your lunchtime takeaway sushi roll instead of white rice. By breaking down your health goals into bite-sized daily decisions – rather than a seismic, all-consuming shift in your diet – making healthier choices becomes incidental and eventually, habitual.

Reset And Create Consistency With #30DaysWelle

Change can be daunting, which is why creating the right structure within your days is so important to ensure you’re feeling supported from the beginning. That’s where our #30DaysWelle program can help, by providing you with an uplifting plan that will better your entire being for the year ahead.


Starting February 7th, WelleCo will be supporting you and guiding you through 30 days of transformation with our daily 3-Steps-Welle routine, along with inspiration, expert advice and useful tools to help you reset and reconnect with your true you in 2022.


Join the #30DaysWelle journeyhere.