Elle's Top 5 Tips to a Great Night’s Rest

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To celebrate the global pouring of our new exceptional Evening Elixir, Elle shares her top tips to a perfect night’s shut-eye.


For Elle, getting a full eight hours was never top of the priority list historically until she hit mid-life. Instead, the WelleCo founder lived on four or five hours sleep a night, especially during her peak modelling days in the nineties.


Today however, she opts for seven to eight hours over five, enjoys a hot matcha latte with clean oat milk (Elmhurst Barista is her go-to) over a coffee every AM and has perfected her evening routine so that it’s now the highlight (or one of!) of her long days. Here the wellness wonder offers up her top tips to a perfect evening's rest.  


  1. Ten is the Magic Number

“Living with a musician has changed my sleeping hours so no matter how late we go to bed (which is often two or three o’clock after gigs) we always aim for seven to eight hours a night, but we don’t set our alarm until ten hours after we go to sleep. This gives us plenty of time to rest and recuperate. My partner is an expert sleep master having been on the road for most of his life. He has fully mastered the art of going to bed late and waking late in the morning. I don’t make appointments for myself before 11am when travelling so I can slowly rise, have my greens (they enhance my energy and are excellent for rehydration) and go about my day – it’s a wise choice!”


  1. Eat Early

“As for my evening routine, I like to eat around 5pm so the body isn’t digesting food just before bed (I’ve found I don’t sleep my best on a full stomach).”


  1. Sweat + Plunge

“Often, I’m out until later in the day so by the time I’m home, I’m ready to start winding down with a steam (Theresage is my longtime favourite and I like to do an hour if I can at about 170 degrees) and a cold plunge for about five minutes (The Plunge).”


  1. Pour a Beauty Bev

“I’ll make a warm drink before bed (our new release, The Evening Elixir that supports beauty while you sleep is my preferred treat). I like to read at night or watch the stars, preferring to ease screen time so as not to disrupt the circadian rhythm with blue light. I intentionally don’t have a television in my room but I’ll sometimes wear blue blocker glasses if I must be on my phone post sunset.”


  1. End on a High Note

“When not on the road, I aim to be asleep by 11 or midnight. I find it easiest to fall asleep after a good laugh, which always seems to happen just as I’m about to drop off. I dream big and wild knowing that my body is repairing, regenerating and maybe even downloading healing and wisdoms from the universe! I sleep with a grateful heart every night knowing my body is healing and I always look forward to the next day.”


Elle’s Evening Edit 

What’s on your bedside table?

From Atoms to Angels by my spiritual mentor, Paul Darrol Walsh

My Slip Eye Mask

Lime and Celtic Sea Salt in filtered water

The Skin Elixirby WelleCo

Nattokinase Enzymes 

Lumbricanase Enzymes 

Sleepmate White Noise Machine 

What’s not on your bedside table?

My phone (I make a point to never charge tech beside my bed.)


Your sleep essentials are… Blackout blinds (These are a must for us) I like the room cool and I love the weight of blankets.

Your go-to post-sunset elixir? Our new 13-calorie hot chocolate, The Evening Elixir

Do you use a sleep tracker? I used to use the Oura Ring, which I loved for a while until one day Doyle said, “So you need a ring to tell you how you slept?“ That rang true and since that day I decided to check in with myself about how well I sleep.

Your favourite bedding? Cotton or linen sheets, heavy blankets or comforter, down pillows.

WelleCo’s new The Evening Elixir supports beauty while you sleep. Enter a state of rest as this antioxidant-rich Elixir boosts your skin’s collagen and supports the skin from within.

The Evening Elixir

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The Skin Elixir

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The Super Elixir™

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