3 Ways To Support Healthy Hair

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Transform your tresses from lank to luscious

Unfortunately, healthy hair isn't a given. While some are blessed with an abundance, others can find it difficult to retain their hair or start to see it thin out as they age. While the latter can be frustrating, both experiences are completely normal and with a little help, it is possible to improve locks that are starting to look a little lacklustre.

Our philosophy at WelleCo is to cultivate beauty-through-wellness, which encompasses an inside-out approach to the way you look and feel. So if you're wanting to transform your tresses from lank to luscious, here are a few of our best tips for supporting healthy hair.

Take a look at your diet

Research suggests that certain foods can encourage hair growth, so if you're losing a significant amount to the shower drain, consider whether your diet could better serve your beauty goals. Look for foods that are rich in protein, essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, which are all said to help protect against further hair loss.

Invest in an ingestible beauty supplement

A potent ingestible beauty supplement, such as Welleco's iconic The Super Elixir™, will work to support your tresses from within. Formulated with a powerful blend of 45 plant-based ingredients, The Super Elixir™ contains a considered mix of wholefoods, probiotics, vitamins and minerals to boost the health of your hair. Incorporating just two teaspoons into your daily routine will encourage stronger locks in the long-term.

Sub in a quality hair treatment once per week

Now that you've got the inside covered, consider investing in a regular treatment for your hair. When used once per week, a scalp scrub can help to stimulate dormant hair follicles and eliminate any product build-up that might be suffocating or weighing down your strands. Or try a nourishing mask, which can restore vitality and shine to tired-looking tresses.

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